Office of Diversity & Inclusion – Student Organizations


PG电子游戏的学生很活跃,参加了100多个学生组织和俱乐部. 有代表大众利益的学生组织, spiritual beliefs, cultural groups and social awareness projects. Leaders for Equity Advancement and Diversity Council, L.E.A.D., aims to support the university’s mission, vision, and values around creating a diverse and inclusive campus.


  • Asian Square

    Asian Square logoAsian Square focuses to celebrate, appreciate, and learn about different Asian cultures around the world. From pop culture to food, 该组织致力于教育和拥抱学生对亚洲文化多样性的好奇心和热情.

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Student Association

    Bosnia and Herzegovina Student Association logo波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那学生协会将着手通过与马里维尔社区分享波斯尼亚文化来促进文化多样性. BHSA will also strive set to inspire, educate, 并在波斯尼亚学生的大学之旅中提供支持!

  • Hawaiian Asian Pacific-Islander Association (HAPA)

    hawaiian asian pacific islander association夏威夷太平洋岛民协会的使命是加强夏威夷, Asian, 和太平洋岛民文化在玛丽维尔校园社区. 该协会通过各种活动促进对不同文化的认识和欣赏, 并为玛丽维尔社区的所有学生和教师提供资源.

    HAPA students

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  • Hillel

    Hillel logo玛丽维尔·希勒尔(Maryville Hillel)将犹太文化活动、庆祝活动和学习机会带到校园. While our events reflect Jewish culture and holidays, 事件是开放给所有和包括所有-所有的信仰是荣誉和尊重.

    Hillel student at involvement fair

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  • International Student Association

    inclusion at maryville国际学生组织是学生认识来自世界各地的同学并与他人分享文化的好途径. 该小组向所有学生开放,而不仅仅是国际学生. The goal is to build a cultural bridge among each other.

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  • Latinx Student Alliance

    latinx student alliance logoThe Latinx Student Alliance mission is to create community, 为拉丁裔和西班牙裔学生提供项目和领导机会. 拉丁裔学生联盟还就拉丁裔/西班牙裔问题教育更大的校园社区,并帮助将文化融入玛丽维尔社区.

    LatinX students at involvement fair

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  • Leaders for Equity Advancement and Diversity (LEAD)

    Leaders for Equity Advancement and Diversity logo领导促进公平和多样性的目标是建立参与学生组织的学生的领导能力,直接支持多元化办公室的使命和愿景 & Inclusion. 这些学生领袖对于帮助玛丽维尔成为一个重视包容性的多元化校园社区至关重要. 担任行政领导职务的学生有资格加入该组织.

  • Men of Color Brotherhood

    men of color brotherhood为玛丽维尔校园里的有色人种提供兄弟情谊, 同时还包括一个在舒适的环境中表达自己和观点的地方.

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  • MU Gospel Choir

    mu gospel logoThis is a religious organization based off Christianity. We welcome all religions! PG电子游戏要唱PG电子平台神、圣灵和耶稣基督的歌. PG电子游戏在这里是要振奋你们,带领神的儿女归向基督. 蒙大福音唱诗班的主要目标是事奉主,用歌声赞美主.

    MU Gospel students at involvement fair

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  • Muslim Student Association (MSA)

    muslim student association at maryvilleMSA的目的是通过参与和教育活动来建立对伊斯兰教的认识,同时建立一个包容和接受所有信仰的环境.

    MSA students at Involvement Fair

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  • Saudi Students Club

    saudi students club logoPG电子游戏的沙特学生俱乐部是一个代表历史的组织, culture and traditions of Saudi Arabia. 它还帮助在美国的新学生和现在的沙特学生.

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